Wednesday 27 June 2012

Painful cold sores on penis head

Herpes simplex is a disease caused a Virus called Herpsvindae. The main perpetrators are the HSV1 and the HSV2.
The manifestation of the virus is totally dependent on the area of infection. Although the two most common infection sites are the mouth/face and the genitals.
Oral infections will include the same symptoms i.e rashes and cold sores in the mouth or lips.
Oral Herpes infection

Herpes affects both men and women and exhibit almost the same symptoms. Herpes infection takes at least 2 to 23 days to manifest after infection following a period where the symptoms all relax. This stage is when the virus travels down to the sensory nerve where they will be present forever. Usually, outbreaks occur once in a while, when these outbreaks occur, presence of small red bumps will appear on the genitals - on the penis head.
                                                            Genital herpes on male penis
These rashes in time will burst open causing cold painful sores that have the virus contained in them. There is no cure for Herpes Virus but outbreaks can be controlled by using presribed anti viral drugs. However, outbreaks may be rampant in individuals that have immune deficiencies such as HIV, AIDs.

Herpes Transmission occurs when there is direct contact with sores of an infected person. it is also transmitted through sexual intercourse or kissing an infected person. Oral sex with an infected person will also make one prone to the virus.
No cure has been developed for Herpes yet

Burning, stinging pain in Male Urethra

Burning pain in urethra may be experienced by men of all ages. The burns may occur during urination or just following Urination. This is a problem that has led many Men into confusion with regular visits to the Urologist. Even after the  'dreaded" cystoscopy procedure most times, problems are not ascertained.

Sometimes the pain/ Burn may have its origin at the base of the penis, just near the tip. Or it could be general burns all over the penis.

I have been opportuned to discuss with some men who face this problem, and if it does any good to you, this problem is not peculiar to you alone. They also shared their symptoms experienced before the problem started and how their Urologist may end up telling them it is Interstitial Cystisis (Bladder), inotherwords, they dont know what the real problem is.

Symptoms include
Burning, stinging pain at the tip of the penis
Burning with extreme pain on urination
Urinary incontinence
Frequency of urination and very little comes out.
Urinary Urgency.
Hip pain
Pelvic pressure
Pain in the groin

However, symptoms are not limited to these alone and is not entirely compulsory to experience all of these symptoms.
Burning in the urinary tract region is usually caused by a Urinary Tract Infection. These infections are mostly caused by a bacteria know as E.coli or Klebsiella. These Viruses enter through the sex organs and get into the Urethra where they multiply and theses symptoms begin to manifest. If not treated promptly, the infection may proceed towards the bladder causing irritation, thus the urinary frequency, urgency. Further neglect will see the bacteria travelling up the Ureters to the Kidneys. Once they affect the Kidneys, it makes it incapable of performing its duties, that is filtering the bodies waste products causing an infection. This may lead to kidney impairment or blood contamination. which if not careful will result to Death.

It is important to Understand your body carefully. Once any of these symptoms are noticed, the proper thing is to visit your doctor where he would collect clean samples of your Urine and perform a Urinalyis or Urine Mcs to determine the bacteria causing it and know its resistant drugs. Taking of Antibiotics without prescription is inimical and can cause such bacteria to become more resistant to medications.

Duration of prescription will be relayed to your by your Doctor. Once infection is cleared up (once you dont experience any of the symptoms) endeavour to drink lots of cranberry juice as it protects the bladder from bacteria linings. another option is Cider Vinegar. Cranberry juice or drug supplements can be found in your local shops depending on your area.

However, some patients recall that they never had history of a urinary tract infection and the burning persist. It may then be worthy of note that such patient may have Urethritis - an inflammation of the Urethra which can also cause pain while urinating and burns. Your doctor/ urologist will determine which after due consultation.

Another cause of burning in Urethra is as a result of Prostate enlargement (prostatitis) this will be explained in the next post. If you experience symptoms like discharge while taking a poop, inflammed/swollen feeling/pain in your pelvic area, it can be as a result of prostatitis. The good news is that all of the above conditions can be cured with Antibiotics. Watch out for the next post